Tag Archives: CBD

Benefits of THC-V 

THC-V is something that’s considered the “newest cannabinoid.” 

This has only a couple of years of research, but the plants that contain a lot of this are rare, and it can be hard to get full studies, as a lot of them are done through extraction and oil blending.  

There are creams, tinctures, and other sorts of items that contain THC-V, and we’ll g over that here. 

Dermal Creams 

Dermal creams are something that contain THC-V that are put in certain areas, and it can have direct results on the muscles, connective tissue, and nerves too. 

It does treat neuropathic pain, and there are multitudes of conditions that are there. It can definitely offer some benefits for those looking for pain therapy. 

Right now, there isn’t a ton of studies that look at how it can treat neuropathic pain, and many times, different formulations and many medical conditions are still being studied.  For example, seizures, autism, and both are being looked at, but it can be a struggle to give patients this in other sorts of ways. Right now thigh, there is still some studies that need to be done. 

However, it was found in those who were autistic that after placement of the cream the pain, sensation loss, and improved motor function all happened within a few hours. 

Since then, more studies have been done on the way this helps with neuropathy. 

About 80% of the patients that were involved in this did see an improvement in their pain and sensations. This is something that probably would get better with more THC-V available. 

While the trials are short lived, there are some who were able to get sensation and motor function again. 

In general, people feel this within 30 minutes, and then by 90 minutes they feel better. This is something that can possibly be used in some cases too, but there are still more studies to be done. 


Tinctures with THC-V are usually 1:1, so you will get the same amount with a 10 mg dose as you would with a 5 mg in terms of cannabinoid ratios. 

This can be used to treat depression, mood disorders, and also depression, along with neuropathic pain. 

This is something that can possibly be beneficial for those who have MS. For those wo have MS, it’s been seen that pain and neurological problems of the lower body were improved. But there wna’st enough of the tincture to see if it entered the whole system, and right now, more studies need to be done.

With regard to plants and THC-this is from where the tinctures derived. It’s determined that they all have more THC than THC-V in most cases, so usually they don’t feel much psychoactivity until after this. Why would it take so long though for the psychoactivity to affect people with this? 

That’s something that’s still being understood, but the half-life of THC is something that is a bit shorter in THC-V than THC, so once the THC-V is fully absorbed, some of the THC comes about, and at that point the patient can experience some psychoactivity, and for those who are sensitive to THC, this can balance out the tincture with a higher CBD ratio. 

There is a lot more work that needs to be done, but it’s been found that THC-V is the new cannabinoid looking bright, and this is something that could possibly help not just with neuropathy treatment, but also the treatment of other kinds of conditions too. 

This is something that’ll probably have better results and understanding too once more knowledge of the subject has been put into there.

All about Kratom 

Kratom is a unique herb that comes from a tree that’s native all the way to Asia and is becoming super popular due to the benefits that are there.

Kratom usually is great for different things but is it safe to consume?  You might wonder if it’s good for you, and while it is natural, there are some slight problems that come with this, which we’re going to go over here. 

What Kratom Is 

Kratom is basically a supplement that’s herbal, and it comes directly from the leaves that this derives from. This is the mitragyna speciosa, which is a coffee plant

This is basically extracted from the leaves, and then, they can be brewed, used within a power, vaporized, smoked, and even raw. There are bioactive types of alkaloids that offer a psychoactive result from this. It works on both the opioid and the non-opioid receptors. 

Is this Safe? 

Right now, there is not a clear response that comes from this. Is due to how unregulated it is, and usually, there aren’t too many reputable sellers. With that said, there is concern if you get kratom products that aren’t properly regulated. 

There is the other part of this that believes that kratom is CBD. CBD is from the cannabis plant and is a naturally-healing compound. Kratom does not come from the same type of plant, but a very different one. It also may not work the same way that CBD does. 

Some people think it’s an alternative, but it’s not really, and it’s important that you keep that in mind, should you use this. 

The Use of This 

So what can you use Kratom for? 

Usually, it’s a mild type of stimulant, and also a good medicine for different ailments.

Some field laborers in the lands that kratom originated from do have this in low amounts, to help with boosting productivity, and stamina too.

It also might be good for diarrhea, coughing, hypertension, even fevers too. 

It can be anti-anxiety at higher levels, and it can be incredibly relaxing if you take larger amounts of this. 

Some researchers have found that kratom does have some properties that are analgesic too, and some customers might use this for pain, and it can help with the withdrawal from opioids, and also other conditions that affect the mood. 

The legality of this 

Some people may wonder if this is legal. 

The answer is yes.  However, there are certain states that have banned this specifically.

Certain states that have banned this include: 

  • Arkansas 
  • Alabama 
  • Indiana, which believes it’s a synthetic drug 
  • Tennessee 
  • San Diego, California
  • Jerseyville Illinois, despite it being perfectly legal in Illinois. 
  • Sarasota county, Florida, even though it’s legal to use in the rest of Florida. 
  • Wisconsin, due to the primary alkaloids being schedule I drugs 

Some states have this as legal, and you can get this from vape stores, smoke shops, even gas stations. 

Kratom And Cannabis 

Kratom might seem similar to marijuana, but it’s not. 

They come from vastly different plants, and CBD does work similarly to marijuana, but it’s different. The similarities are that they are both herbs that are natural, and most people may wonder if you can use these together. 

However, when you do this, the CYP3A4 enzyme that metabolizes both CBD and kratom gets activated, and this causes a toxic situation over time, so you shouldn’t really mix either of these together. If you plan to use one or the other, choose, and be mindful with the consumption of this as well. 

How medical Cannabis is the Alternative to Other Substances 

With more and more people accepting medical cannabis for what it is and turning to therapies that are cannabis based as a way to have a different way to treat conditions instead of using drugs, you might wonder whether or not it creates some disconnect.

In a way, it does.  While this is good for people to get the help that they deserve, if you don’t have guidance on what to take from doctors, a lot of patients then get left to make their own treatment programs, through the usage of trial and error, and this is usually based on information from sources that aren’t always reliable.  Another big thing that comes into this, is that even our doctors aren’t fully aware of the different kinds of medical cannabis that’s out there, and they might prescribe the wrong thing. There is more research now than ever that supports the therapy that’s there for medical cannabis, but some people are resistant to accepting this. 

Cannabis over Pills 

A lot of times, people want a solution that’s a little bit different from just having a pill. That’s why cannabis has become so popular. 

Cannabis has been available in certain countries for over a decade medically, and people could get this through different therapies, and medical cannabis is even deductible, and some of the synthetic ones are covered too. 

In a survey that included over 2700 people, the people who responded asked about the PCP’s knowledge on the subject, how they communicated with the PCP regarding the cannabis that they had, and also, the authorization necessary to give cannabis as a solution rather than medications. 

About seven percent of those who were surveyed were able to get cannabis directly through their PCP. 

When they spoke about the knowledge that their PCP had on cannabis, over 80% of the people said that their PCP knew a lot about it, and on an average level, they were able to get the cannabis integrated into the treatment that are necessary for people to survive and overcome ailments, and they felt confident with this. 

Some have even said that they substituted using cannabis rather than regular drugs, including tobacco too, and this was over half of the responders.  Some people did struggle though, with over 30% of the people who responded noted that they had some delay in offering the information that they had to their PCP, and even some noted that their PCP didn’t know about the substitution of this. 

In a more recent survey that was done in Denmark, over half of the people who responded mentioned that they used medical cannabis rather than drugs, and almost all of them were able to get cannabis through the prescriptions of their doctor’s provision.  

This is something that’s even helped with the opioid use, and some have even said that they’ve found cannabis to be way more effective for their problems, and over 90% of the people there said that cannabis was a lot better for them to tolerate than normal opioids. 

With that said, it’s not perfect. In some developing locations, it was found that cannabis still has a long way to go, with some people learning to prescribe it themselves, rather than wait on a doctor. This is something that’s still very informal behavior in certain parts. 

But, with this in mind, it shows the new changes that are happening in the world of cannabis. More people are able to get the help they need now more than ever before, offering some new ways to improve their health.