Monthly Archives: May 2015

Cannabis for Cancer 

Marijuana is something that’s been used as a means to treat many conditions and was even used as a homeopathic form of treatment. Only recently though have scientists actually looked at how this could help with the symptoms of chemotherapy.With more and more studies being done, there is a lot of potential in terms of possibly how this could help. Right now, we’ll go over what cannabis can do for the treatment of certain cancers. 

Reducing the symptoms of chemotherapy.

Chemotherapy can be rough on the body, but marijuana actually might help with a lot of the side effects. Neuropathic pain from the nerves that are damaged, vomiting, nausea, and even the hunger that is sometimes not there with chemotherapy can help, and it can help with a lot of the bad side effects that are there.

Natural appetite stimulant 

It might help a lot of patients get the food that they need. Lots of times people who get chemotherapy don’t want to eat.  This impacts the nutrients that they get. This can cause dramatic muscle mass loss and also dramatic weight loss too. 

Reduce Painkiller Use 

Many times, cancer patients are prescribed copious amounts of painkillers. While this might be good for reducing pain, that doesn’t mean they don’t have side effects. Some of these can be quite dangerous, such as addiction, and many times, overdose does happen. It can damage the liver too.

With marijuana, you can use it as a way to naturally treat pain, and lots of times, people use it as a substitute for the medications that they’d be taking, which can cause much harm.

Inhibits the Growth of Cells 

Cancer cells do tend to grow quite quickly, and that’s what causes them to spread. It’s been found that through research, THC and the various cannabinoids within the marijuana plant might be good not just for stopping the growth of such, but also helping to trigger cell apoptosis, which is the programmable death.

This is quite exciting, as they might be able to help with the shrinking of these malignant tumors in those cancer patients that have them. However, this is still a very new discovery, and right now, we don’t have all the answers to this yet. 

The Side Effects 

The biggest thing to understand though, is while we know a bit about this, we don’t know everything, and right now, there needs to be some research.

Furthermore, with cannabis, there are other side effects that come with this too. When you take too much, or a specific strain, it can trigger both anxiety, and paranoia within a person.

There are other side effects that can happen, including: 

  • Dry mouth 
  • Dizziness 
  • Red eyes 
  • Elevated heart rate 

One thing to understand though is that they usually are mild, and within a few hours, tend to go away. But if you use too high of a dosage, it can be much more severe.

Always talk to a doctor before you use this as a form of treatment, as they can help to look at the different risks, and also look at the potential benefits that cannabis does have, and what exactly this might mean for your own personal medical cannabis needs.

With that said, cannabis is something that’s growing in popularity, and something that helps with the way treatment works.  If you’re curious about the possible benefits of this, and want to really improve on these, then you’re in luck, for these side effects are there, and they can be very little, but the benefits do outweigh the drawbacks too. 

All about Kratom 

Kratom is a unique herb that comes from a tree that’s native all the way to Asia and is becoming super popular due to the benefits that are there.

Kratom usually is great for different things but is it safe to consume?  You might wonder if it’s good for you, and while it is natural, there are some slight problems that come with this, which we’re going to go over here. 

What Kratom Is 

Kratom is basically a supplement that’s herbal, and it comes directly from the leaves that this derives from. This is the mitragyna speciosa, which is a coffee plant

This is basically extracted from the leaves, and then, they can be brewed, used within a power, vaporized, smoked, and even raw. There are bioactive types of alkaloids that offer a psychoactive result from this. It works on both the opioid and the non-opioid receptors. 

Is this Safe? 

Right now, there is not a clear response that comes from this. Is due to how unregulated it is, and usually, there aren’t too many reputable sellers. With that said, there is concern if you get kratom products that aren’t properly regulated. 

There is the other part of this that believes that kratom is CBD. CBD is from the cannabis plant and is a naturally-healing compound. Kratom does not come from the same type of plant, but a very different one. It also may not work the same way that CBD does. 

Some people think it’s an alternative, but it’s not really, and it’s important that you keep that in mind, should you use this. 

The Use of This 

So what can you use Kratom for? 

Usually, it’s a mild type of stimulant, and also a good medicine for different ailments.

Some field laborers in the lands that kratom originated from do have this in low amounts, to help with boosting productivity, and stamina too.

It also might be good for diarrhea, coughing, hypertension, even fevers too. 

It can be anti-anxiety at higher levels, and it can be incredibly relaxing if you take larger amounts of this. 

Some researchers have found that kratom does have some properties that are analgesic too, and some customers might use this for pain, and it can help with the withdrawal from opioids, and also other conditions that affect the mood. 

The legality of this 

Some people may wonder if this is legal. 

The answer is yes.  However, there are certain states that have banned this specifically.

Certain states that have banned this include: 

  • Arkansas 
  • Alabama 
  • Indiana, which believes it’s a synthetic drug 
  • Tennessee 
  • San Diego, California
  • Jerseyville Illinois, despite it being perfectly legal in Illinois. 
  • Sarasota county, Florida, even though it’s legal to use in the rest of Florida. 
  • Wisconsin, due to the primary alkaloids being schedule I drugs 

Some states have this as legal, and you can get this from vape stores, smoke shops, even gas stations. 

Kratom And Cannabis 

Kratom might seem similar to marijuana, but it’s not. 

They come from vastly different plants, and CBD does work similarly to marijuana, but it’s different. The similarities are that they are both herbs that are natural, and most people may wonder if you can use these together. 

However, when you do this, the CYP3A4 enzyme that metabolizes both CBD and kratom gets activated, and this causes a toxic situation over time, so you shouldn’t really mix either of these together. If you plan to use one or the other, choose, and be mindful with the consumption of this as well.